Results for 'Roberto Chuit Roganovich'

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  1.  11
    La categoría de la historia en el formalismo ruso.Roberto Chuit Roganovich - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):3-16.
    In the present work we will try to make a critical approach to the treatment, by the russian formalism, of the category of history. To the extent that russian formalism resists, because of its heterogeneous nature, to be reduced to a lax set of principles, we will try to observe the way in which the category of the history was worked throughout the years of formal school activity. In this framework, we will highlight the epistemological implications of each of these (...)
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    Towards an epistemological critique of literary theory: the truth of the poem and the mathema in Plato´s The Republic.Roberto Chuit Roganovich - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:231-241.
    Resumen: El objetivo del presente trabajo es acercarnos no ya en clave epistemológica a la pregunta específica que se realiza respecto de la teoría literaria, sino por el contrario, a la pregunta mediada por la idea de verdad que la filosofía le ha hecho a la literatura. Creemos que en los textos de Platón existe una intuición fundamental que de manera implícita ha puesto en marcha múltiples aparatos teóricos que intentaron dar cuenta de la literatura. La intuición, sin dilaciones, es (...)
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    Hacia una crítica epistemológica de la teoría literaria: la verdad del poema y la verdad del matema en la República de Platón.Roberto Alejandro Chuit - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):209-218.
    Si la teoría literaria es considerada una forma muy específica de saber, es porque ella se otorga a sí misma no un dominio sino más bien un objeto, que es el producto de la práctica científica, y no su base. De este modo, y desde nuestra perspectiva, creemos que puede resultar de utilidad abordar la teoría literaria “planteando la cuestión de su relación con su objeto, por lo tanto, planteando simultáneamente la cuestión de la especificidad de su objeto y la (...)
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    The dual role of human dignity in bioethics.Roberto Andorno - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):967-973.
    This paper argues that some of the misunderstandings surrounding the meaning and function of the concept of human dignity in bioethics arise from a lack of distinction between two different roles that this notion plays: one as an overarching policy principle, and the other as a moral standard of patient care. While the former is a very general concept which fulfils a foundational and a guiding role of the normative framework governing biomedical issues, the latter reflects a much more concrete (...)
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  5. The Structure of Spatial Localization.Roberto Casati & Achille Varzi - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 82 (2):205 - 239.
    What are the relationships between an entity and the space at which it is located? And between a region of space and the events that take place there? What is the metaphysical structure of localization? What its modal status? This paper addresses some of these questions in an attempt to work out at least the main coordinates of the logical structure of localization. Our task is mostly taxonomic. But we also highlight some of the underlying structural features and we single (...)
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    Natura e storia.Roberto Gronda - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2).
    The article deals with John Hermann Randall’s theory of history, namely, the philosophical account of what it takes for an object to be a historical object. The goal of the article is to highlight the deep connections existing between Randall’s philosophical views on history and the writing of history, heavily indebted to Dewey’s and Woodbridge naturalism (the so-called Columbia Naturalism), and his historiographical work. In the first section, I briefly sketch some major aspects of originality of Randall’s historiographical work, as (...)
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    Analogy and exchangeability in predictive inferences.Roberto Festa - 1996 - Erkenntnis 45 (2):229 - 252.
    An important problem in inductive probability theory is the design of exchangeable analogical methods, i.e., of exchangeable inductive methods that take into account certain considerations of analogy by similarity for predictive inferences. Here a precise reformulation of the problem of predictive analogy is given and a new family of exchangeable analogical methods is introduced.Firstly, it is proved that the exchangeable analogical method introduced by Skyrms (1993) does not satisfy the best known general principles of predictive analogy. Secondly, Skyrms's approach — (...)
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    Emotions and challenges to justice.Roberto Mordacci & Francesca Forlè - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (1):1-6.
    In this special issue, our aim is to analyse the role of emotions with particular attention to shaping political actions in the face of present challenges to justice. The relationship between the widespread rise of collective emotions and the experience of injustice in our societies is a pressing issue, both in our everyday practice of ethical and political discourse and in philosophical reflection and discussion. Some negative emotions—such as fear, resentment, greed, distrust towards institutions, and disrespect for basic human rights—are (...)
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  9. Human rights and the moral obligation to alleviate suffering.Roberto Andorno & Cristiana Baffone - 2014 - In Ronald Michael Green & Nathan J. Palpant (eds.), Suffering and Bioethics. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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  10. The Right of Resistance in Situations of Severe Deprivation.Roberto Gargarella - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (ed.), Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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    Oikeiosis: ricerche sul fondamento del pensiero stoico e sulla sua genesi.Roberto Radice - 2000 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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  12. Perspectivismo y relacionismo en el pensamiento de Florencio González Asenjo.Roberto J. Walton - 1976 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 16 (24):81.
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  13. Tough On Punishment: Criminal Justice, Deliberation, and Legal Alienation.Roberto Gargarella - 2009 - In Samantha Besson & José Luis Martí (eds.), Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
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    Fenomeno umano e ambiente divino: il problema del male in Teilhard de Chardin.Roberto Bagnulo - 2001 - Firenze: Clinamen.
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    Ética e política.Roberto Saturnino Braga - 2012 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Contraponto.
    Sumário - Introdução; Ética e política; Jornada de seis horas; As utopias do século XXI; Dois mil e cinquenta; Política e ética; Política e ética II; Política e ética III; Desenvolvimento moral; O programa de direitos humanos; A verdade e o futuro da nação; Restaurando a ética; Moral e interesse; A eficácia sempre vence; A volta da política; O policial Beltrame; O amor cidadão.
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    La fatica di descrivere: itinerario di Wittgenstein nel linguaggio della filosofia.Roberto Dionigi - 2001 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    La potenza all'origine: Heidegger interprete di Aristotele.Roberto Giusti - 2000 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.
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    The success of mathematics.Roberto Magari - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):265 - 274.
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    Una aproximación epistemológica y psicológica a la metáfora "el amigo es otro yo" de la Ética a Nicómaco (1166a, 31-32).Roberto Emmanuel González Quiñones - 2024 - Endoxa 54.
    El presente ensayo quiere profundizar en el alcance de la metáfora “el amigo es otro yo” contenida en la Ética a Nicómaco 1166a, 31-32. En términos epistemológicos, evaluaremos cómo esta metáfora tiene relación con (i) el tipo de entidad que es el amigo y (ii) el tipo de relación que es la amistad. En cuanto al ámbito psicológico, se someterá a examen el grado de identidad implícito en la metáfora. Es decir, mediante un examen de diversos pasajes del libro IX (...)
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  20. Corpo e cristal: Marx romântico.Roberto Romano - 1985 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Guanabara.
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    Confidence-based reasoning in stochastic constraint programming.Roberto Rossi, Brahim Hnich, S. Armagan Tarim & Steven Prestwich - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 228 (C):129-152.
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  22. Il caso Nietzsche: il crepuscolo e l'aurora.Roberto Rossi - 1989 - Filosofia Oggi 12 (3):343-360.
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  23. Evento, storia, tecnica: saggi su Heidegger.Roberto Terzi - 2024 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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  24. Topological Essentialism.Roberto Casati & Achille Varzi - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 100 (3):217-236.
    Considering topology as an extension of mereology, this paper analyses topological variants of mereological essentialism (the thesis that an object could not have different parts than the ones it has). In particular, we examine de dicto and de re versions of two theses: (i) that an object cannot change its external connections (e.g., adjacent objects cannot be separated), and (ii) that an object cannot change its topological genus (e.g., a doughnut cannot turn into a sphere). Stronger forms of structural essentialism, (...)
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  25. Just an anger synonym? Moral context influences predictors of disgust word use.Roberto Gutierrez, Roger Giner-Sorolla & Milica Vasiljevic - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):53-64.
    Are verbal reports of disgust in moral situations specific indicators of the concept of disgust, or are they used metaphorically to refer to anger? In this experiment, participants read scenarios describing a violation of a norm either about the use of the body (bodily moral) or about harm and rights (socio-moral). They then expressed disgust and anger on verbal scales, and through facial expression endorsement measures. The use of disgust words in the socio-moral condition was largely predicted by anger words (...)
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    A New View of Effects in a Hilbert Space.Roberto Giuntini, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1145-1177.
    We investigate certain Brouwer-Zadeh lattices that serve as abstract counterparts of lattices of effects in Hilbert spaces under the spectral ordering. These algebras, called PBZ*-lattices, can also be seen as generalisations of orthomodular lattices and are remarkable for the collapse of three notions of “sharpness” that are distinct in general Brouwer-Zadeh lattices. We investigate the structure theory of PBZ*-lattices and their reducts; in particular, we prove some embedding results for PBZ*-lattices and provide an initial description of the lattice of PBZ*-varieties.
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    La religione deve trovare rifugio nella filosofia?: saggi sulla filosofia della religione di Hegel.Roberto Garaventa - 2020 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  28. Rights and Power : Illiberal Constitutions of Latin America.Roberto Gargarella - 2017 - In Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel (ed.), Liberalism in neoliberal times: dimensions, contradictions, limits. London: Goldsmiths Press.
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  29. The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound.Roberto Mangabeira Unger - 2008 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 29 (3):315-318.
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  30. Ofícios mecânicos e mobilidade social.Roberto Guedes - 2006 - Topoi 7 (13):379-423.
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    El enraizamiento de la historicidad en el tiempo.Roberto J. Walton - 2018 - Studia Heideggeriana 7:187-214.
    Se intentan poner de manifiesto isomorfismos estructurales en las teorías de Heidegger y Husserl sobre tiempo e historia. En relación con Ser y tiempo, la atención está puesta en la tesis compartida de que la historiografía está arraigada en la historicidad y esta en la temporeidad. Con referencia al curso de 1934 se pone de relieve la convergencia heideggeriana de misión, encargo y trabajo, que remiten al futuro, al pasado y al presente. Se muestran nociones equivalentes en los niveles que (...)
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    Evento e genesi: Heidegger e il problema di una cosmologia fenomenologica.Roberto Terzi - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  33. Ronald Giere, "explaining science".Roberto Torretti - 1990 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 25 (55):199.
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    The Geometric Structure of the Universe.Roberto Torretti - 1991 - In Evandro Agazzi & Alberto Cordero (eds.), Philosophy and the Origin and Evolution of the Universe. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 53--73.
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    Pragmatism and the Writing of History.Roberto Viola Gronda - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    The contributions presented in this symposium explore, from different perspectives, the relationship between pragmatism and history, that is, the empirical study of the human past. These connections run deep, and may be assessed on several counts. First of all, many pragmatist philosophers have devoted a great deal of attention to investigating the nature of historical knowledge and its relevance to philosophy. Classical pragmatists such as Peirce, Dewey and Mead laid a strong emphasis on pro...
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  36. Introducción al pensamiento del P. Lotz, SI.Roberto Prieto - 1968 - Verdad y Vida 26 (103-104):391-430.
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    Filosofía de la naturaleza.Roberto Torretti - 1971 - [Santiago de Chile]: Editorial Universitaria.
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    Is Being a Genus? Syrianus’ Criticism of Aristotle.Roberto Granieri - 2022 - Phronesis 67 (2):216-251.
    In Metaphysics B 3 Aristotle sets out a famous argument for the thesis that being is not a genus. In his commentary on Metaphysics B, Syrianus criticizes this argument and explains in what sense being is to be regarded as a genus. I reconstruct both Syrianus’ criticisms and his own view. I bring out ways in which they can help us rethink key assumptions of Aristotle’s ontology and shed light both on Syrianus’ critical attitude towards Aristotle and on some of (...)
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  39. Hans Jonas' 'Gnosticism and Modern Nihilism', and Ludwig von Bertalanffy.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (3):289-311.
    ‘Gnosticism and Modern Nihilism’ (published in Social Research , 1952) is indeed one of Hans Jonas’ most famous essays, to which its author reserved very deep attention during his philosophical career. As a former pupil of Martin Heidegger and Rudolf Bultmann, Jonas started to deal with religious topics, and specifically with Gnosticism, from the very outset of his philosophical career in the 1920s. After gaining recognition thanks to his remarkable philosophical-existential interpretation of Gnosticism, he returned to the modern age and (...)
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    Quantum MV algebras.Roberto Giuntini - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (3):393 - 417.
    We introduce the notion of quantum MV algebra (QMV algebra) as a generalization of MV algebras and we show that the class of all effects of any Hilbert space gives rise to an example of such a structure. We investigate some properties of QMV algebras and we prove that QMV algebras represent non-idempotent extensions of orthomodular lattices.
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  41. W. E. Johnson's determinable-determinate opposition and his theory of abstraction.Roberto Poli - 2004 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 82 (1):163-196.
    A reconstruction of Johnson's main contributions to philosophy is provided. Johnson's theories are grounded on his distinction between "substantives" and "adjectives", which governs the oppositions between (1) particular and universal, (2) determinandum and determinans in thought, (3) acts of separation and discrimination, (4) subject and predicate, (5) thing and quality, (6) substance and determination, (7) proposition and fact, (8) external and internal relations, (9) extension and intension. While substantives divide between continuants and occurrents, adjectives are fundamentally distinguishable into determinables and (...)
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    Dal soggetto trascendentale al vivente umano. Corpo e artefatti in Helmuth Plessner.Roberto Redaelli - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):51-62.
    The aim of this paper is to reconsider the relationship between living body and artefacts in the perspective of Helmuth Plessner’s aesthesiology. According to the outcomes of Plessner’s aesthesiology, I present two main theses: 1) artefacts are not created, but rather discovered and expressed by human agency, and 2) the bodily dimension of the human being is the condition of the “discovery” of material and symbolic artefacts. To argue these theses I highlight a) the process of “somatisation” that engages the (...)
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  43. At the origins if analytic philosophy.Poli Roberto - 1995 - Aletheia 6:218-231.
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    Hobbes's paradox redux.Roberto Farneti - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (2-3):337-355.
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    Prolegomeni a un'ontologia scientifica: riflessioni sulla filosofia di McX e Wyman.Davide Roberto - 2006 - Milano: CUEM. Edited by Gottlob Frege.
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  46. La posibilidad de una lógica vital en Ortega / The Possibility of a Vital Logic in Ortega.Roberto Rojo - 1957 - Humanitas 3 (8):151-153.
  47. Metáfora y verdad.Roberto Rojo - 1993 - Escritos de Filosofía 12 (23-24):43-48.
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  48. L¿eterogenesi dei fini: Vico e Hegel.Roberto Rossi - 2005 - Filosofia Oggi 28 (110):257-270.
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    Para uma teoria da interpretação: semiologia, literatura e interdisciplinaridade.Roberto Corrêa dos Santos - 1989 - Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária.
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    Why Do We Run Basic Income Experiments? From Empirical Evidence to Collective Debate.Roberto Merrill & Bru Laín - 2021 - Basic Income Studies 16 (1):27-38.
    There are two major possible responses to the question: what (if anything) can justify a basic income experiment? An experiment might be justified either because it gathers positive empirical evidence supporting rolling out a basic income, or because it justifies the moral desirability of such a measure. This paper critically explores both responses, the “empirical” and “ethical claim” in light of the Barcelona B-MINCOME pilot, alongside other similar experiments. We sustained that although the empirical claim is necessary, there seems to (...)
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